Hanging strawberries - great varieties and well-founded planting tips

Hanging strawberries - great varieties and well-founded planting tips

Heavenly varieties for vertical growing

In view of the long tendrils, any strawberry plant is in principle suitable for hanging cultivation. By no means every cultivation thrives in the narrowly limited substrate volume of the planters. The typical garden strawberry is therefore out of the question. Small-grown wild strawberries as well as climbing monthly strawberries know how to cope with the limited conditions. The following varieties stood out in particular:

  • Merosa: charming pink flowers of high ornamental value and delicious strawberries from June to October
  • Mignonette: a variety for gourmets who want to nibble on delicious strawberries from a deck chair
  • Diamond: the jewel among summer strawberries for the flower box
  • Hummi: a pineapple strawberry that was specifically bred for vertical cultivation

also read

  • Everbearing strawberries - top varieties - lots of care tips
  • Plant and care for strawberries on the balcony - this is how it works
  • Correct planting distance for strawberries - an overview

Plant perfectly in traffic lights and balcony boxes

Prepare the substrate in good time so that it can still settle before the actual planting date. We recommend pre-fertilized potting soil, which is ideally enriched with compost and horn meal. Alternatively, rotted manure or horse manure serve as an organic starter fertilizer. Suitable planters have one or more water drains in the ground and are stable enough to be able to carry strawberry plants with rich fruit hangings.

When choosing the location, make sure that it is as sunny and airy as possible. Protection from violent gusts of wind should be guaranteed as well as from lashing rain. The planting process is as follows:

  • Dig planting holes in the prepared substrate with twice the circumference of the root ball
  • A suitable planting distance in the flower box (€ 13.19 on Amazon *) is 20-25 centimeters
  • Put between 2 and 4 plants in a traffic light
  • the heart bud must not be covered with substrate
  • slightly compress the earth with your fist
  • leave a pouring edge of about 5 centimeters
  • Finally water well

Tips & Tricks

There is a risk of waterlogging in every planter. You can effectively prevent this deficiency by using drainage under the substrate. Use inorganic material such as pebbles, grit (€ 44.95 at Amazon *) or crushed pottery shards. Spread these out over the floor openings. Place an air and water permeable garden fleece over it so that the drainage is not clogged by crumbs of earth.