Wild grape - planting maiden vines properly

Wild grape - planting maiden vines properly

Which location does the Wilde Wein prefer?

Wild wine feels at home in as sunny and warm locations as possible - the more sun the plant gets, the more intensely the leaves turn color in autumn. You can plant the wild wine on house walls, pergolas, walls or facades, although you should first examine the masonry carefully for possible cracks - the plant penetrates quickly through such small damaged areas and can cause considerable damage.

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  • Wild wine - can the fruit of the maiden vine be used?
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Which soil conditions are optimal for the wild wine?

The wild wine feels particularly good in nutrient-rich, permeable and slightly loamy soils. In addition, the substrate should be as slightly moist as possible, but without waterlogging.

When is the best time to plant wild vines?

Plant the young plants in the spring after the ice saints or in early autumn. Basically, container goods can be planted during the entire vegetation period, but in the middle of summer it is often too hot and dry. However, on a cooler day with an overcast sky, planting should also be possible in midsummer.

How can you plant wild vines?

When planting near house walls, make sure that the soil is properly enriched with horn shavings (€ 6.39 at Amazon *) and / or compost. At these planting sites in particular, the soils are often quite poor in nutrients, due to their higher calcium content. The planting hole should be about twice as large as the root ball. Freshly planted wild wine must be watered vigorously.

What is the planting distance between wild wine?

Since the Wilde Wein not only grows in height, but above all in width, you should plant individual plants at least two meters apart.

Does the wild wine need a climbing aid?

In general, the Wilde Wein is described as self-climbing, but this is not true in all cases. Both the three-lobed and five-lobed wild wine have self-climbing varieties such as varieties that have to be guided by wires etc.

How can wild wine be propagated?

You can propagate your wild wine yourself with cuttings or sinking. Both are cut in late summer / early autumn and should, at least in the case of the cuttings, be overwintered frost-free.

When does wild wine bloom?

Wild vines mostly bloom in July and August. The white flowers are in loose panicles.

Can you harvest and process the berries of the wild wine?

The berries of the wild wine are often confused with those of the real grapevine (“grapes”), although those of the wild wine are unfortunately inedible and sometimes also slightly poisonous.


Cut the wild wine back in late summer to prevent it from spreading freely. Above all, you should make sure that the fast-growing climber does not grow along gutters, shutters, pipes etc. and damage them.