Putting daffodils can be so easy!

Putting daffodils can be so easy!

Plant the daffodil bulbs in autumn

The best time to plant the bulbs of daffodils has come in autumn. The onions should be in their place in the ground as early as September and by the end of October at the latest.

also read

  • Planting daffodils - what can go wrong?
  • Planting daffodils - anyone can do that
  • Canna: Grooming can be so easy

Missed the point in time: is there an alternative in spring?

Those who plant the bulbs in spring must expect the daffodils not to bloom in the first year. The onions take a long time to develop and grow roots. Only then do they show themselves ready to expel on the surface.

Meanwhile store the onions

If you missed the time to plant the onions in the fall, consider storing the onions until spring. Please note the following points:

  • Sort out and dispose of rotten, moldy, dried up, pitted onions
  • If necessary, clean the onions from the soil
  • looking for a suitable vessel z. B. wooden box, wicker basket, pot
  • looking for a suitable storage location B. basement, attic, gazebo
  • Plant from February

What is the required setting depth for the onions?

The bulbs vary in size depending on the type of daffodil. If you want to be very precise: Measure the bulb size. The planting hole should be 2 to 3 times as deep as the diameter of the bulb.

Dig, fill, set, ... - step by step

Once all parameters have been clarified, the onions can be set:

  • Dig a 15 cm deep planting hole at the location
  • Loosen the earth
  • enrich with compost (5 cm)
  • Put the onion in (tip up)
  • cover with earth
  • Press the soil into place
  • Pour vigorously

Not to forget: the onions are highly toxic!

With your thoughts somewhere else? That shouldn't happen when setting the onions. Daffodil bulbs are extremely toxic to humans and animals. It is therefore advisable to wear gloves when sitting or to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.

Tips & Tricks

Anyone who added compost to the soil when planting the onions in autumn will benefit in spring. On the one hand, there is no fertilization in spring. On the other hand, the daffodils sprout happily and bloom superbly.