Store chestnuts - this is how you keep the fruit fresh

Store chestnuts - this is how you keep the fruit fresh

Basic requirements for storing chestnuts

When buying or harvesting, make sure that the chestnuts you choose are fresh. You can recognize this by the following features:

  • high strength
  • rather difficult
  • smooth, shiny skin

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You should stay away from soft, light and wrinkled chestnuts. They are probably no longer fresh.

Easily perishable fruits

Chestnuts spoil relatively quickly. They have a low water content. They also lose moisture quickly. Chestnuts dry out quickly and are therefore absolutely inedible. In addition, the fruits are rich in carbohydrates (sugar and starch) and thus offer an ideal breeding ground for mushrooms.

The susceptibility to worms should also be considered. You should sort out infected fruits. Suspicious chestnuts are best placed in a bowl of water. The nuts floating on the surface of the water are infested with worms and should therefore be thrown away quickly.

How to properly store chestnuts

  1. Place the fresh chestnuts in an air-permeable basket.
  2. So store the nuts in a dry, dark and cool room.


The pantry, the attic or the cellar are suitable places to store chestnuts. They stay there for up to three months.

Store the sweet chestnuts in the refrigerator

Alternatively, you can store your chestnuts in the refrigerator, where they usually only stay fresh for a few weeks. Put the chestnuts in a perforated plastic bag.

Store chestnuts at room temperature

If you are sure that you will consume your chestnuts within a week, you also have the option of storing them at room temperature.

Put the sweet chestnuts in a bucket with sand

Another option is to store the chestnuts in a bucket (or similar container) with dry sand. They keep in shape for several months.

Freeze chestnuts and give them a long shelf life

If you want to extend the shelf life to six months, you should first cut into your chestnuts, then blanch and peel them and finally fill them into suitable containers and transport them to the freezer.

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit and vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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