Proper care of the frankincense plant

Proper care of the frankincense plant

How do you water the frankincense plant properly?

The frankincense plant likes it slightly damp, but does not tolerate waterlogging. Water regularly, preferably penetrating, especially for plants that are kept hanging in the hanging basket (€ 14.99 on Amazon *).

Do not leave water in the saucer or planter.

Frankincense plants prefer soft, stale water. If possible, use rainwater for watering.

also read

  • How to overwinter the frankincense plant
  • Cultivate the frankincense plant on the balcony
  • The frankincense plant is not poisonous

Do frankincense plants have to be fertilized?

The nutritional requirement is not very high. Freshly repotted frankincense plants are not fertilized. Later, give regular liquid fertilizer every three to four weeks. However, fertilization is not absolutely necessary.

Are you allowed to cut an incense plant?

Frankincense plants can be cut at any time. Above all, shoots that are too long are shortened. Avoid cutting directly into the old wood of older plants.

Shortened shoots can be used very well for the propagation of the frankincense plant.

Do you need to repot?

If you are only keeping the frankincense plant as an annual, repotting is not necessary. Perennial plants are repotted when the frankincense plants are taken out of their winter quarters. The old substrate should be replaced.

Are there diseases and pests to watch out for?

The frankincense plant is very robust. Diseases are very rare. Pest infestation is also not common because of the strong odor. Nevertheless, you should keep the plants up occasionally

  • Aphids
  • Spider mites
  • Whiteflies

examine. Infested plants should be treated or even better disposed of immediately.

How is the frankincense plant overwintered?

The non-toxic frankincense plant is not hardy and must be wintered in the house frost-free. Place the flower box (€ 13.18 on Amazon *) in a bright place with at least ten degrees. Very little is watered and fertilized during the winter.

After the winter break, the frankincense plant slowly gets used to warmer temperatures and more light.


Frankincense plants are primarily grown on the balcony or terrace. Care as a houseplant is also possible, but is not necessarily recommended because of the strong odor.