When does the hemp palm bloom? Interesting facts about flowering

When does the hemp palm bloom? Interesting facts about flowering

Male or female flower of the hemp palm

The hemp palm is dioecious. That means you are caring for either a male or a female palm. The inflorescences differ only slightly.

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Male flowers are very bright yellow in color. Female flowers are yellowish-green and appear bushier overall.

To fertilize the flower of a hemp palm you need a male and a female plant. You have to take care of pollination yourself. To do this, use a brush several times to first stroke the male and then the female flower.

When does a hemp palm bloom?

Only adult hemp palms produce flowers. A hemp palm that is only grown in the room flowers very rarely. In the open air it is more likely to flower when the hemp palm is nice and bright.

The flowering period begins in April and can last until June.

Cut off the flower of the hemp palm or not?

If you want to try to propagate your hemp palm from seeds, just let the flower stand. It dries out when it has faded and is then cut off.

If the growth of new leaves is important to you, you should cut off the flower, as the development of seeds only robs the palm of its strength unnecessarily.


The fruits of the hemp palm are edible. When fully ripe, they are blue-violet. Hemp palm fruits have a sweet taste and must be consumed fresh as possible.