When the lily fades ...

When the lily fades ...

What to do after it has faded

After the lily has faded - this is usually the case in August - its withered inflorescences should be cut off. But be careful: at least 2/3 of the flower stalks should be left standing.

also read

  • Is the lily poisonous to cats?
  • How can you keep a lily as a houseplant?
  • Lily - not all blossoms are created equal

Cutting off the old flowers prevents the seeds from developing. The formation of the seeds costs a lily enormous strength. It is only worth waiting for the seed to form for (hobby) breeders. With the seeds, lilies can be propagated well and with luck new varieties will emerge.

The following things can still be done after flowering:

  • light fertilization strengthens the onions
  • if necessary, multiply over the bulbs
  • Transplant lily
  • Winterize lily
  • cut yellowed stems and leaves down to the ground in autumn

Postpone fading with these tricks

Lilies only bloom once a year. But their flowering period can be extended. On the one hand, the choice of location is important for this. Lilies in a protected and partially shaded location bloom longer than plants that are in direct sunlight and exposed to rain and wind without protection. Furthermore, the withering can be delayed by a subtle application of flowering fertilizer in the bud stage of the flowers.

Will the lily come again next year?

Yes, because most lilies are perennial and hardy in our latitudes. They can easily be brought in the bed or in a pot at home in the basement, garage or attic over the winter. Wilted flowers therefore do not necessarily mean the end of a lily's existence.

Tips & Tricks

Don't count on newly sown lilies. With bad luck, it can take up to 4 years for these to bloom for the first time.