Caring for an amaryllis in a jar - this guide shows how to do it

Caring for an amaryllis in a jar - this guide shows how to do it

Replace cloudy water

The top priority for long-lasting bloom in the glass is protection against rot. In this regard, please ensure that there is a distance of 5-6 cm between the onion and the water level. So that the roots do not rot in the water, it is replaced at the first signs of cloudiness. If you add a piece of charcoal, the water stays crystal clear longer.

also read

  • Lush Amaryllis in the Vase - A Green Guide to Grooming
  • Amaryllis withered? - With this care, the next bloom is firmly in view
  • Tropical flower magic in a glass - this is how the amaryllis forcing succeeds

Care during the flowering period - attention should be paid to this

In addition to the repeated replacement of the water, only the following maintenance measures are relevant for a knight's star in a glass:

  • Cut off dead flowers from the main stem as soon as possible
  • Add a little nutrient solution to the water at the same time as the leaves emerge
  • Cut leaves only when they are completely withered

Please only tackle the maintenance work with your gloves on. Direct contact with the poisonous sap can lead to severe allergic reactions.

Please potted at the end of the flowering period

A faded knight star is disposed of in the glass much too quickly. In fact, the flowering period ends in a summer growth period, during which a new bud develops inside the bulb. Pot the amaryllis and its long leaves in well-drained substrate. It is important to note that the tuber is only half covered in the substrate.

Water and fertilize the knight star on the sunny, warm balcony until July. After an eight to twelve week rest period in the cool, dark cellar, you can look forward to another flower show just in time for Christmas time.


An amaryllis does not necessarily have to be in the ground to produce a fruit with valuable seeds. If a knight's star thrives in the jar, rub the pollen and pistil with a soft brush from the third day the flowers open. You can harvest and sow the mature seeds within 6 to 8 weeks.