Planting parsley - tips for growing the aromatic herb

Planting parsley - tips for growing the aromatic herb

Which location needs parsley?

  • Bright
  • No direct sun
  • Permeable soil
  • Do not grow near umbellifers

Parsley is incompatible with itself and other umbelliferae. You should therefore only create new beds where there have been no umbels for at least three years.

also read

  • The best soil for growing parsley
  • Growing parsley yourself - how to grow it!
  • Caring for parsley properly - a few tips on care!

What soil should you plant parsley in?

Humous, loose soil is preferred. Never incorporate fresh compost or manure, only mature organic fertilizer.

The soil has to be really loose so that irrigation and rainwater can drain off well and there is no waterlogging.

At what interval should you grow parsley?

  • Row spacing 15 to 20 centimeters
  • Plant spacing 10 centimeters
  • Distance to other plants at least 30 centimeters

When is the best time to grow?

You can sow parsley on the windowsill from February. The cultivation in the open field may only take place when the soil has warmed up to at least eight degrees.

However, it is advisable not to sow parsley outdoors before August. This will reduce the risk of pests and fungi infecting the plants.

When can be harvested?

You can harvest parsley all year round. The plant begins to bloom in the second year after cultivation. After that, the leaves are no longer used because the proportion of poisonous apiol is too high.

Is Parsley Really Poisonous?

Parsley actually contains the toxic substance apiol. The poison reaches particularly high concentrations after flowering. Then you should pull out the parsley plant and compost it.

You should always use the spice sparingly. It is not recommended to eat parsley during pregnancy.

How can parsley be propagated?

Propagation takes place via the seeds, which develop from the flowers. The seed is very toxic and needs to be kept safe if it is to be used to grow new parsley.

Which plants does parsley get along badly?

Bad neighbors are all umbelliferae, cabbage, lettuce and lavender.

Which plants are suitable as a mixed culture?

Radishes go particularly well with parsley. The small tubers are often used as marking seeds because the parsley germinates very slowly. Other good neighbors are tomatoes, garlic, leeks and a few other aromatic herbs.

You can also plant marigolds between the rows of parsley. The roots of this flower work against nematodes and ensure a soil quality that is good for parsley.

If the location isn't right, the parsley will take care, not grow, or get yellow leaves. So, be careful when choosing the place where you want to plant parsley. Care also plays an important role.
