Which parts of rosemary are edible?

Which parts of rosemary are edible?

Use rosemary sparingly

Because of its very aromatic taste, rosemary should only be used sparingly, otherwise its aroma will dominate the entire dish and quickly make it taste too intense. You can use the herb in different ways: Whole sprigs of rosemary can be braised with the dish and then removed before serving - the stalks of the rosemary are too hard to eat. The needles, on the other hand, can be eaten without hesitation, but they should be cooked if possible, chopped. They are quite tough and therefore difficult to chew. Do not add ground rosemary until just before the end of the cooking time, otherwise its aroma will evaporate - the smaller you cut the rosemary, the more the essential oils will evaporate.

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Is Rosemary Poisonous?

Like many other herbs, rosemary is only slightly toxic, i.e. poisonous. However, you would have to ingest quite large amounts for this poison to take effect. Caution is advised especially with long rosemary baths, because after a while these can cause the opposite of what they are actually supposed to do: Instead of stimulating the circulation, they lead to circulatory problems. In theory, you could also eat rosemary raw, but you probably won't like it in this form - the leathery leaves are quite tough. Although symptoms of poisoning from rosemary are quite rare, it can still cause intolerance in sensitive people.

Are the flowers edible?

Not only the leaves and the young shoots of rosemary are edible, the pretty flowers of the spice bush can also be consumed without hesitation. They are ideal, for example, to garnish dishes and other salads. Incidentally, during its flowering period, rosemary develops the highest concentration of aromatic essential oils, which is why you can harvest the herb even when it is in bloom.

Tips & Tricks

Don't worry if your cats like to nibble on the strongly scented rosemary: the herb is neither poisonous for cats nor for dogs. However, as is so often the case, the dose makes the poison: Too much rosemary can certainly lead to intolerance reactions in pets, but it does not have any serious consequences.