Transplanting Shell Cypress Trees - Important Tips!

Transplanting Shell Cypress Trees - Important Tips!

Transplant mussel cypress trees

Basically, it can be said that transplanting only makes sense with younger mussel cypresses. The mussel cypress is a shallow root, but older plants have strong roots that are difficult to get out of the ground.

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  • The reproduction of mussel cypress trees rarely works
  • The optimal care of the mussel cypress
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The mussel cypress does not get enough nutrients and cannot draw enough water from its roots that have been cut off or kinked. This increases the risk that the tree will die, even with good care.

After transplanting, you must expect that the mussel cypress will take care of you for a long time and will only grow a little. Often she also gets a lot of brown needles after a change of location.

The best time to transplant

If possible, only transplant mussel cypress trees in autumn. Then the growth phase is over and the plant can put all its strength into the formation of new roots.

If you transplant a mussel cypress in spring or summer, you have to be very careful that the moisture in the soil does not dry out, but that waterlogging does not develop.

How to properly transplant the mussel cypress

  • Dig up the mussel cypress completely
  • Prune the roots
  • Shorten shoots
  • dig a new planting hole
  • Improve the soil with coniferous fertilizer
  • Insert tree
  • Pour the earth up and carefully step on it
  • water well in the following days

Before the mussel cypress is replanted, roots and shoots must be cut back.

After transplanting, good irrigation is the most important prerequisite for the mussel cypress to grow in its new location. Water regularly, but make sure that there is no waterlogging under any circumstances, as the plant will then turn brown or start to rot.

The new location must be warm and bright, preferably sunny. In general, most mussel cypresses are not hardy and must be overwintered indoors. That is why it usually makes more sense to pull the trees straight away in the bucket.


You plant mussel cypress trees in the bucket in fresh substrate every two to three years. When repotting, you shorten roots and shoots.