The yew tree does not bear cones but fruit

The yew tree does not bear cones but fruit

The pulp is not poisonous!

Yew trees are poisonous plants. The highly toxic taxin is contained in all parts of the plant except for the pulp. The pulp itself is not poisonous. It should have a sweet taste.

also read

  • The right location for the yew tree
  • Yew needles strongly - why does the yew lose needles?
  • The yew tree - tips for care

When trying it out, however, you should be very careful and, to be on the safe side, avoid it. There are a lot of toxins in the kernels.

Since the fruits look very similar to berries, they are a real temptation for younger children. Make sure that your children do not eat yew fruits, as the risk of poisoning with serious consequences should not be underestimated.

Male and female flowers

Yew trees are separate sexes. This means that the tree has either male or female flowers. Only a yew tree with female flowers will later get the characteristic red fruits.

The yew flowering period lasts from March to April. The male flowers were created the previous year. If you want your yew to bloom, be careful when cutting so that you do not remove the inflorescences.

While the male yew trees form yellow-green small cones as flowers, the female flowers are very inconspicuous.

The first fruits after 20 years

It takes a long time for a yew tree to produce its first flowers and then fruit. It takes around 20 years for the tree to bloom for the first time and then fruit.

Propagate yew from seeds

Cuttings can be made from the fruits of the yew:

  • Reap the fruits
  • Remove the seeds from the pulp
  • store in a cool place for a long time (stratify)
  • sow (cactus soil or kokohum)
  • moisten occasionally

It takes up to two years for new yew trees to sprout from the seeds. As soon as the first fresh shoots appear, the young plant can be carefully lifted out of the ground and moved to the desired location.


Yew trees are very resistant conifers, which are also very easy to cut. They are therefore often planted in hedges or kept in the garden as topiary.