Accurate diagnosis and treatment of tomato diseases

Accurate diagnosis and treatment of tomato diseases

Prevent and treat late blight and brown rot

If the summer is cool and wet, one of the most important diseases for tomato plants with the name late blight threatens. In the initial stage, brown spots appear on the leaves. This is followed by a white patina, whereupon the foliage turns black and withers. Within a short time, all fruits spoil, fall to the ground or turn into mummies. How to prevent:

  • Cultivate tomato plants under a rain cover
  • always plant in sunny, airy locations
  • consistently maxed out and bred with single shoots
  • Mulching with nettle leaves, comfrey, leaves and straw

also read

  • Do tomatoes also thrive in partial shade?
  • The two-step plan against late blight on tomatoes
  • Plant spacing for tomatoes - just don't skimp on the space

All infected parts are removed from infected tomato plants. An onion peel extract has proven itself as a biological control agent. Soak 20 grams of onion skins in 1 liter of water for a few days. Brush the brown tincture onto the suffering tomato plants. Strengthen the tomatoes at the same time with injections of horsetail tea, garlic peel and liverwort extract.

Blossom end rot is still a mystery

The causes of the disaster have not yet been fully clarified. The young leaves turn dark green and deformed. Necrotic spots spread on the older foliage. The end of the song are blossoms and tomatoes, which turn an unsavory black from the tip.

The scientists assume that there is a deficiency in flower end rot. A sufficient supply of nutrients and carbonate of lime should provide a remedy.

Annoying green collar disease - neither beautiful nor dangerous

If a green collar remains on an otherwise deep red tomato, green collar disease has struck. This assumption is reinforced if the pulp in this area has a hard consistency. Although it is safe to eat, nobody wants to harvest tomatoes with a green collar. How to prevent:

  • Grow tomatoes under a rain canopy
  • protect from blazing midday sun
  • preferably fertilize with magnesium and potassium
  • Do not place tomato plants in front of a south wall with accumulating heat
  • light varieties are less susceptible

Fight powdery mildew on tomato plants with vehemence

Powdery mildew fungi have increasingly plagued tomato plants in recent years. In particular, humid and warm weather conditions promote increasing infestation pressure. From apparently harmless white areas, a white fungal lawn develops on the leaf surfaces. Although the fruits are not affected, they suffer significant damage due to the impaired supply from the foliage. How to fight the yeast infection:

  • preferably plant resistant varieties
  • Growing tomatoes in a mixed culture with garlic, thyme, marigolds, chives
  • Cut off infected parts of the plant immediately
  • Inject liverwort extract as a tonic
  • Avoid nitrogen fertilizers
  • Spray the milk-water solution every 3 days

Tips & Tricks

Meticulous cleanliness right from the start, effectively prevents infection. Before each use, disinfect the tool with denatured alcohol or high-percentage alcohol. All pots should be rinsed with hot soda water before use.