Tips for caring for Pachira aquatica (lucky chestnut)

Tips for caring for Pachira aquatica (lucky chestnut)

How do you water lucky chestnuts correctly?

Lucky chestnuts like the root area more dry than wet. Waterlogging causes the plants to fall ill and die. Do not water until the substrate has almost dried out. Use lime-free water.

also read

  • Pachira aquatica (lucky chestnut) is not poisonous
  • Can Pachira aquatica be grown as a bonsai?
  • The right location for the lucky chestnut

Spray Pachira aquatica with lukewarm water more often to increase the humidity.

How often do you fertilize?

It is fertilized during the growing season from spring to autumn. Normal liquid fertilizers, which are added to the irrigation water every fortnight, are suitable as fertilizer. But you can also use fertilizer sticks (1.45 € on Amazon *) with long-term effects.

Does Pachira aquatica have to be cut?

Cutting is not necessary. You can shorten the shoots at any time, as long as the ambient temperatures are high enough.

Since lucky chestnuts are very easy to prune, they can also be kept well as bonsai.

After cutting, do not place the tree in direct sunlight for a long time.

When do you repot?

Since Pachira aquatica is not a very fast-growing plant, you only need to repot it every two to three years in spring.

Choose a larger pot as the roots must not be restricted.

After repotting, do not fertilize lucky chestnuts for the first year.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Viral and bacterial diseases are more common in inconvenient locations or damaged bark on the trunks.

Mealybugs and spider mites are more common pests, especially when the humidity is low.

What to do with yellow or brown leaves

Yellow and brown leaves indicate an unfavorable location or incorrect care. The plant is too dark, too cool or in a draft.

Set up lucky chestnuts as brightly as possible at at least 15 degrees. Pachira aquatica does not tolerate less than ten degrees.

Why does the lucky chestnut lose its leaves?

If lucky chestnuts lose only a few leaves, this is not a cause for concern. If there is a lot of leaf loss, ensure a more favorable location and optimize maintenance.

Why shouldn't you care for Pachira aquatica?

In the trade, lucky chestnuts, which consist of several intertwined trunks, are mainly sold. The bark of the tree becomes very thin at the pressure points so that bacteria and germs can enter.

In addition, the trunks are often too close together so that the air cannot circulate properly and the roots do not have enough space.

It is better to plant such lucky chestnuts in individual pots after you have carefully untied them.


Lucky chestnuts are also known as the wild cocoa tree. Their fruits are a popular substitute for cocoa beans in their home in Central and South America. Pachira aquatica is not poisonous, the leaves are even edible.