Everything about the fruit of the birch - optics, benefits, uses

Everything about the fruit of the birch - optics, benefits, uses

Reproduction of the birch

The birch blossoms - depending on the location and the given climatic conditions in the respective year - roughly in the period between March and May. Male and female catkins, i.e. the flowers of the birch, are on the same tree. That is, birches are monoecious with unisexual flowers. The fruits then emerge from them.

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Pollination and spread by wind

While the male catkins are already formed in the autumn months of the previous year and then overwinter, the female flowers only awaken very fresh at the ends of new leafy young shoots. The kittens are pollinated exclusively by the wind. The birch plants are not capable of vegetative propagation or stick rash.

The seeds of the birch

The either upright or loosely hanging fruit stands are provided with thickened, slightly leathery scales. When the winged nuts, also known as samara, are released, the scales fall off individually. So that the seeds of the birch can spread over long distances with the help of the wind, they are in tiny nuts that are equipped with delicate wings. These wing nuts are the fruits of the birch. Since the pioneer plants in nature have to be quick and efficient, the seeds germinate after two to three weeks. The extremely light and airworthy fruits ensure this rapid generative reproduction.

Birch fruit season

Birch trees can already produce fruit when they are only five years old. Birch trees draw on abundant resources: They produce around 450 fruits per single kitten alone. These ripen in midsummer, only to be scattered in autumn and winter. They germinate the following spring.

The fruit of the birch

The birch fruit ripens in the period from July to October. The extremely thin-skinned winged nuts are only up to three millimeters long. Thanks to this tiny and lightweight design, they are optimally designed to be spread by the wind.

Plant your own birch by fruit

The peculiar distribution of the birch suggests that the trees can easily be sowed on their own. Indeed, if you want to grow your own birch in your garden, you can forego buying ready-made seedlings from the nursery. Instead, you have the option of collecting birch seeds yourself in the right season - of course, you can also buy them. If you plant the seeds properly, it is very easy to start a tree from the start. This approach is ideal especially for lovers of decorative bonsai plant art. Because it is in your hands to raise the tree as you wish.

When sowing the seeds, do the following:

  1. Fill small bowls or pots with potting soil.
  2. Then add the seeds of the birch.
  3. Then cover the seeds about one to two centimeters high with soil.
  4. Then set up your breeding pots in the brightest possible location.
  5. However, avoid strong direct sunlight.
  6. Wait about two to four weeks while keeping the substrate slightly damp - but not wet - at all times.
  7. Within this time the seeds will germinate.
  8. Once the seedlings have reached a height of about 15 to 20 centimeters, you can finally transplant them into a more nutrient-rich substrate.

Are the fruits suitable for consumption?

The fruits are of no great importance for consumption or for the versatile healing ingredients of the birch. If you like, you can brew the small wingnuts to make a pleasant tea. For the tea infusion you should mainly use the young fruits. However, the following edible components of the tree are better suited for further processing:

  • the leaves with high levels of flavonoids, saponins, tannins and vitamin C.
  • the bark with the active ingredient betuloside and betulin
  • the buds of the birch through their oils
  • the juice of the strain for cosmetic use, for example as hair tonic or for skin care