Plant reeds as a privacy screen

Plant reeds as a privacy screen

What kinds of reeds for the privacy screen?

There are different types of reeds that differ not only in their appearance but also in their location requirements and their growth behavior. The real reed and the cattail grow mainly on the banks of ponds or rivers, while the Chinese reed can also tolerate drier locations.

Therefore, cattails and reeds are the right choice for creating a natural screen around a wetland, while Chinese reeds are recommended for hedges in the garden without being near a pond.

You should also pay attention to the correct height. Dwarf species such as the dwarf reed Phragmites australis ssp. Humilis are not ideal for a high hedge because - as the name suggests - they are nowhere near as high as their conspecifics.

You can find a comprehensive overview of the different types of reed here.

also read

  • Plant and care for reeds in the pond
  • Hibernate reeds properly
  • Planting reeds: this is how it's done

What should be considered when planting?

Most reed species and also Chinese reed species grow very strongly. Although there are now cultivars that hardly develop runners, if you did not explicitly ask for one when purchasing, you should definitely install a root barrier when planting reeds. Otherwise, reeds can quickly become a real nuisance that displaces other plants and is difficult to remove again.

What care does a reed hedge need?

Reeds not only grow quickly and densely, they are also very easy to care for. The only thing to pay attention to is sufficient irrigation, unless the roots are on the edge of the pond. The reeds are also grateful for fertilization in the form of compost once a year. After its winter break, the reed hedge must be completely cut down so that the plants can sprout again. You can find more information about care in our care guide for reeds.

Is reed hardy?

Reeds are very hardy and do not require winter protection. Nevertheless, it is recommended to tie the fronds together, because they dry and can break off more easily. In addition, the roots are better protected from cold and moisture.

Can a reed hedge also be grown in a pot?

If you would like to plant a reed hedge on the balcony or terrace as a privacy screen, you have to use container plants for better or worse. Chinasilf is the right choice for this. The larger the tub, the more comfortable the ornamental grass feels and the faster and more beautiful it grows. It is essential to ensure adequate watering.

Even if Chinese reed is hardy in principle, the bucket should be warmly wrapped in winter and the roots covered with brushwood, mulch (€ 213.00 at Amazon *) or other things. Place the potted plant as protected as possible and under no circumstances cut the fronds while it is still freezing!