Sow coriander in the bed and in the pot - everything goes smoothly

Sow coriander in the bed and in the pot - everything goes smoothly

This is how direct sowing succeeds

Since coriander seeds do not expect tropical temperatures for germination, nothing speaks against sowing from April. If the general weather situation signals that ground frosts are no longer to be expected, you can start. Choose a sunny bed as the location, the soil of which is loose, humic and low in lime. Proper sowing requires careful soil preparation. How to do it right:

  • Weed the bed soil and work it into fine crumbs
  • Spread a 5-8 centimeter thick layer of compost or foliage soil
  • sow the individual coriander seeds at a distance of 15-20 cm
  • Sieve a maximum of 0.5 centimeters with substrate or vermiculite as a light germ
  • Moisten well with the watering can and protect with a close-meshed net

also read

  • Everything about the origin of coriander - the best varieties
  • Simply grow coriander yourself from seeds - this is how it works
  • Plant and care for coriander in the pot correctly

Germination starts within 14-21 days, depending on the prevailing temperatures. If the seed was sown widely, the seedlings are thinned out in May from a plant height of 5-10 centimeters to a planting distance of at least 20 centimeters.

This is how you can sow coriander behind glass

In the protected ambience of the house or winter garden, coriander can be sown all year round. In order for the aromatic plant to start the gardening season with an advantageous growth advantage, February and March are recommended. This is how the sowing goes smoothly:

  • Fill a 12 cm pot with lean substrate, such as herb or pricking soil
  • Moisten with a fine shower
  • sow the seeds and sift them very thinly with sand or earth
  • expect germination in the partially shaded window seat at 20-25 degrees Celsius

A cover made of glass or cling film creates a beneficial, moist, warm microclimate in the seed pot. To prevent mold from forming, the hood is briefly aired every day. The sowing must neither dry out nor swim in the water in the following period. Under these ideal conditions, the first cotyledons will emerge from the seeds within a week. In May, the young coriander are planted in the bed or in the pot.

Tips & Tricks

With Vietnamese coriander you can grow a spice plant that is also an ornament with its pink flowers. In the hanging basket (€ 14.99 at Amazon *) or the bucket, it attracts everyone's attention on the balcony and attracts hosts of butterflies.