Pests on the pear tree - what you can do about it!

Pests on the pear tree - what you can do about it!

Pests that are often found on pear trees

Pests prevent pear harvests and often damage the entire tree as well. The most common types include:

  • Codling moth
  • Pear gall mosquito
  • Pear jewel beetle
  • Pear leaf sucker
  • Voles

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Codling moth

Despite its name, this pest also likes to attack pears. It flies from May to September and lays its eggs on fruits and leaves. The larvae hatch within two weeks and eat their way into the fruit. These fall off after a short time.

Wrap the trunk of the pear tree with folded corrugated cardboard. The larvae seek shelter in it and can be easily collected and destroyed.

Pear gall mosquito

Pear gall flies hatch from the ground in April. They lay their eggs in the pear blossom. The larvae eat their way into the fruit. This changes color, turns black and falls off.

As soon as you discover black fruits on the tree, pick them up immediately and also collect fruits that have already fallen. Dispose of them with household waste.

Pear jewel beetle

The pear jewel beetle lays its eggs in the bark of the trunk and branches. The larvae eat their way through the bark, causing it to tear and form scabies. The feeding tunnels are easy to see if you lift up pieces of the bark.

Cut out the affected areas generously. There is currently no control that is harmless to fruits and insects.

Pear leaf sucker

Pear leaf suckers are gray aphids that suck out the leaves and make them cripple. A clear sign is a sticky, sweet layer that forms on the leaves.

Remove any infected leaves from the tree or soil. Flower bugs are enemies of aphids and can be of great help in combating them.


They eat the sucking roots of the pear tree and thus cause lasting damage.

Chase away the voles with traps or bait.

Tips & Tricks

Do not use chemical agents straight away if you have a pest infestation. Sometimes just collecting it helps. Plant brews are easy to make yourself and use to combat pests and diseases.