Fight powdery mildew on sage with natural means

Fight powdery mildew on sage with natural means

Recognize powdery mildew by its symptoms - this is how it works

Strictly speaking, powdery mildew is a collective name for various fungal infections. Powdery mildew consists of tubular fungi that mainly act superficially. The egg fungi of downy mildew, on the other hand, penetrate deeply into the tissue and resist control more tenaciously. These symptoms suggest an infection:

  • In dry, warm weather, powdery mildew spreads as a white coating on the upper side of the leaves
  • In the further course, the leaves turn brown, dry up and fall to the ground
  • Downy mildew causes white spots on the underside of leaves in rainy summers
  • The spores penetrate the leaf surface, the foliage yellows and dies

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If these symptoms occur, the first countermeasure is to consistently remove all infected parts of the plant. This is followed by the use of environmentally and health-friendly pesticides.

Proven home remedies cure powdery mildew on sage - here's how

Don't let powdery mildew spoil your appetite for sage, as there are powerful control agents available. Three highly acclaimed recipes are featured below:

Milk-water solution

The mixture consists of fresh milk and water in a ratio of 1: 5. Filled in a spray bottle, apply the product every 2 days until symptoms no longer appear.

Baking soda

Put 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 2 liters of water and add 15 milliliters of curd soap. Spray this mix every 3-4 days on the suffering sage. Since you are dealing with an intensely effective home remedy, we recommend performing a test before treating the entire herbal plant.

Tansy tea

You brew the healing tea from 5-6 tansy plants and 2 liters of boiling water. Let the tea steep for at least 2 hours before sifting it. Sprayed daily on the mildew-infected sage leaves, the disease heals quickly.

Tips & Tricks

If your garden has already been afflicted with powdery mildew in the past, it is advisable to prevent powdery mildew. If you integrate the regular use of liverwort extract in the care, this measure strengthens the immune system of sage over the long term.