Fertilize pampas grass regularly

Fertilize pampas grass regularly

Pampas grass needs a lot of nutrients

If pampas grass does not grow properly or does not form fronds, this is often due to a lack of nutrients. The ornamental grass must be fertilized regularly so that it is nice and high and dense.

also read

  • You need to water pampas grass regularly
  • What is the planting spacing for pampas grass?
  • How to overwinter pampas grass in the bucket

Only if you have improved the planting holes with a lot of compost before planting, pampas grass does not need any additional fertilization in the first year.

  • Fertilize regularly during the growth phase
  • Use compost as fertilizer
  • alternatively liquid fertilizer from the trade

What do you fertilize pampas grass with?

The best fertilizer for the pampas grass is compost from the garden. It contains all the nutrients that the ornamental grass needs.

Compost is scattered around the plants and lightly worked into the surface with the rake.

If no compost is available, use commercially available fertilizers for ornamental grasses, which are usually used in liquid form. Make sure that the product does not contain too much nitrogen. Pampas grass reacts to excessive amounts of nitrogen with spotty and sometimes dry leaves.

Fertilize pampas grass regularly

You need to ensure a good supply of nutrients, especially in the growth phase. During this time, you can fertilize the ornamental grass every two to three weeks.

You should no longer fertilize from late summer.

Fertilize pampas grass in the bucket more often

If you grow pampas grass on the balcony or terrace, you will have to fertilize the plants more often than outdoors. In the garden, the ornamental grass can get nutrients from the surrounding soil through the many roots.

This option does not exist when it is kept in a bucket. Give the pampas grass a dose of fertilizer once or twice a month. Liquid fertilizers for ornamental grasses, which are commercially available and are dosed as specified, are well suited.

You do not have to fertilize freshly potted pampas grass in the first few months, as the substrate contains sufficient nutrients.


Under no circumstances should you fertilize pampas grass with nettle manure or other vegetable manure. These organic fertilizers contain a lot of nitrogen and damage the ornamental grass.