How to secure a pond

How to secure a pond

Possible solutions for securing ponds

The following solutions are available to secure a pond:

  • Pond fence
  • Pond net or grid
  • Electronic alarm system

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Securing with a pond fence

The most direct way to avoid making a pond a danger to children is certainly a fence. It effectively prevents inquisitive toddlers and pets from reaching the edge of the water - unfortunately, you naturally block yourself from free, all-round access to your relaxing oasis. Pond fences are therefore best suited for purely ornamental ponds that are intended to be viewed from a certain distance from the outset.

With a (lockable) gate, the accessibility to the pond can be restored quite well. If the fence is installed at a generous distance from the water, it can even enclose the sun and relaxation area of ​​a jetty landscape around a swimming pond.

In order to impair the appearance of the pond less, you can cover the fence, which does not have to be particularly high for child protection, with an enveloping reed plantation.

Pond net or grid

A child safety variant that hardly interferes with the appearance is a pond grid or net from a specialist retailer that is attached a little below the surface of the water. The drowning depths of the pond are thus shielded, but pond plants can easily grow through the mesh structure. However, it gets complicated when it comes to plant and water care. According to the DLRG, networks have not proven to be secure enough.

Electronic child lock

If you don't want to surround your pond with an ugly fence or barricade the water for reasons of style or accessibility, you can also fall back on modern electronics. There are alarm systems with plastic swimming islands that are specially tailored to ponds and trigger the warning signal in the event of intense water surface movement. To avoid false alarms caused by wind, for example, a certain tolerance limit can be set.

However, the problem with such systems is always the 100% reliability that can never be achieved. Electronic connections - whether physical or wireless - are always prone to failure. In addition, an alarm can be overheard.