Proper care of lemon scented geranium

Proper care of lemon scented geranium

Which location does the lemon-scented geranium prefer?

Fragrant geraniums should be as light and airy as possible - the sunnier their location, the more abundantly they bloom. It doesn't even have to be particularly hot, because the plants feel particularly comfortable at temperatures between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius. However, the location should be protected from both rain and wind.

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  • Cut the scented geranium correctly
  • The scented geranium does not bloom - cause for concern?
  • Scented geranium: what is important when it comes to care?

Which substrate does the lemon scented geranium need?

The plants prefer a well drained and loose, humus rich soil. Use commercially available potting soil, which you can loosen up with a handful of sand if necessary. Ensure good drainage in the pot, because fragrant geraniums do not tolerate waterlogging.

How should the lemon scented geranium be fertilized and watered?

Water the lemon-scented geranium moderately, even in summer, and especially only when it is really necessary. Short periods of drought are survived well, but too much moisture is harmful. You should fertilize with a liquid flowering plant fertilizer about every three weeks, but never on dry soil.

Do you have to cut the lemon scented geranium?

Since fragrant geraniums only bloom on this year's new shoots, you should prune the plants vigorously in spring - to about 10 to 15 centimeters above the ground. Otherwise, dead shoots should be removed regularly so that new flowers form over and over again.

How can you propagate the lemon scented geranium?

Lemon-scented geraniums are best propagated with head cuttings, which are cut between July and August. Use only healthy shoots without flowers and / or buds.

Are lemon scented geraniums hardy?

The plants originally come from South Africa and are not hardy in our latitudes. They should also not be planted out, but only cultivated in planters.

How are lemon-scented geraniums overwintered?

Clear the scented geraniums into their winter quarters before the first frost. It is best to overwinter in a light and frost-free place, whereby the temperatures should not drop below 10 ° C. In winter, lemon scented geraniums need very little water and no fertilizer.


Put pots with lemon-scented geraniums on the patio or balcony to keep pesky wasps away.