Chives love a sunny and moist location

Chives love a sunny and moist location

Sun to partial shade

When it comes to the sun, chives are basically not particularly picky. Although it prefers sunny to partially shaded locations, it often thrives very well in the shade. However, especially on hot summer days, you have to make sure that the plant gets enough water - and that it is protected from strong sunlight in sunny places. Chives need a lot of water and should therefore be watered regularly during dry periods. At the same time, however, the herb must not stand too wet, because waterlogging quickly leads to root rot.

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The optimal floor

For this reason, the ideal soil for chive looseners is well-drained, but also rich in nutrients. A balanced mixture of humus and sand is optimal, whereby the humus portion should predominate. You can also add some clay powder (available from hardware stores or garden centers) to improve moisture. The desired pH value is in the neutral to alkaline range - ie the chives do not like acidic soils at all, which they have in common with most other culinary herbs. They also have a common preference for lime - this also means that you can water chives - and other herbs - with tap water without worrying.

Tips & Tricks

If you cultivate chives and other herbs in soils that are rather poor in lime, you should regularly supply them with magnesium lime (but conventional garden lime (10.55 € at Amazon *) also works). You can easily determine whether these calcium supplements are actually necessary using a test strip.