Pickling carrots - general tips and recipe

Pickling carrots - general tips and recipe

Comprehensive tips for pickling carrots


  • Only use fresh carrots for pickling, which tend to be small.
  • Wash and peel the carrots.
  • Any herb and the green part on the stump must be removed with a knife.
  • Cut the carrots into even slices or thin sticks.
  • You can also pickle young carrots whole.

Possible ways of preparation

  • If you want your pickled carrots to taste intensely of themselves, you shouldn't use too much vinegar and strongly aromatic herbs.
  • Brandy vinegar has proven to support taste.
  • It's best to add cardamom, chilli and / or ginger for a spicy note.
  • Herbs and spices that you want to add can usually be left whole - so there is no need to cut them into small pieces.
  • You can prepare pickled carrots in a pot or in a glass.

a) In the pot: gently cook your prepared carrots with all the other ingredients and then fill them into disposable jars. With this variant, you have to be careful that the carrots do not become too soft (they continue to pull in the glass).

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b) In the jar: Place the prepared carrots in preserving jars and pour over them with a brew at about 80 degrees Celsius (which you can make yourself from your desired ingredients). This method will keep the carrots firmer. In addition, the herbs and spices can develop their full aroma.

Important: The preserving jars must be sterilized and hermetically sealed. To sterilize them before use, you should first clean the glasses with water and washing-up liquid and then boil them in a saucepan with plenty of water for about five minutes. Then place the mason jars on clean kitchen towels and drain them until dry.

Don't forget to close the jars tightly immediately after filling!

Shelf life of pickled carrots

Pickled carrots can keep for a few months up to several years - depending on the recipe (ingredients). However, they lose color and taste the longer they are not consumed. Our tip: Use your pickled carrots within four to six months.

Exemplary recipe for pickling carrots

You need:

  • 600 g carrots
  • 2 red peppers
  • 1 onion
  • 1 handful of dill
  • 1 lime (untreated!)
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 50 g honey
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tbsp mustard seeds
  • 1 teaspoon black peppercorns
  • 100 ml of fruit vinegar
  • 400 ml of water

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