Turkish lily: plant and care

Turkish lily: plant and care


The Türkenbundlilie, in short the Türkenbund, is known among botanists as Lilium martagon. It belongs to the lily family and occurs naturally in Europe and Asia. Their distribution area extends from Portugal to Siberia, across the Balkans to the Caucasus. In Northern Europe, the Turkish lily is considered naturalized.

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  • Here's how to properly plant the majestic Turkish lily
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The lily plant grows in calcareous mountain regions such as the southern Black Forest or the Alps. The plant reaches altitudes of up to 2,300 meters. The flatter the land, the rarer the species occurs naturally. In Germany, Westphalia represents the northern limit of distribution.


Lilium martagon is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows between 30 and 150 centimeters high. The lily plant develops an underground bulb that can be up to eight centimeters in diameter. It is oval in shape and covered with yellow scales. With the help of numerous draft roots, the plant ensures that its bulb is anchored sufficiently deep in the ground. The above-ground part of the plant is carried by a strong stem, which is often spotted with red.


The lower stem area is densely leafed. In the middle, the leaves appear in a lively arrangement, while the position of the leaves changes upwards. The closer the leaves come to the inflorescence, the more they stand alternately on the stem. The upper leaf blades are smaller than the lower stem leaves. The largest leaves can be up to 15 centimeters long. The foliage is smooth-edged and shiny on the surface.


The lily plant develops panicle-shaped inflorescences that carry up to 16 large, nodding single flowers. The sunnier the location, the more flowers the Turkish lily develops. They are hermaphroditic and follow a threefold structure. The flowers consist of six identical bracts, which bend outwards and meet with the tips. This flower shape is reminiscent of a turban, which led to the scientific species name “martagon”.


The Turkish Union blooms between June and August. Then the plant gives off an intense scent reminiscent of cinnamon. The flowers shine in flesh pink tones. Some of them are dipped in a cloudy purple or a light brown-red. The bracts are darkly dotted, speckled or spotted. The shape and size of the pattern is variable. Wild species rarely develop pure white flowers. There are now numerous varieties that bloom in different colors.


From September onwards Turkish lilies develop capsule fruits that contain up to 100 seeds in their three compartments. The capsules act as a wind spreader. They spread their seeds when the stems are moved in the wind. The tiny grains are winged and can therefore travel long distances. You belong to the dark germs.


As a native species, the Turkish lily should not be missing in any natural garden. It provides a valuable source of nectar on butterfly meadows. Their scent, which is mainly given off in the evening and at night, attracts numerous long-nosed butterfly species such as the pigeon tail. The lily plant adorns light to shady woody plantings as underplanting. It adorns tall herbaceous corridors and is particularly effective in alpine theme gardens.

Other species for an alpine flower meadow:

  • Globe flower (Trollius europaeus)
  • Alpine milk lettuce (Cicerbita alpina)
  • Brook avens (Geum rivale)
  • Alpine Columbine (Aquilegia alpina)

Is Tuerkenbundlilie poisonous?

The Turkish lilies usually pose no danger to adults. Onions and flowers have been used as a food ingredient or for the preparation of ointments and teas for thousands of years. However, the lily plant is suspected of being toxic to the cat's organism. What exactly causes symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite and apathy is so far unknown. As a cat or dog owner, you should avoid cultivation as a precaution. Small children should also be kept away from the tempting plants.

Which location is suitable?

Turkish lilies prefer a partially shaded location in a cool location. In the lowlands, the perennial thrives well in the undergrowth of higher trees. Its strong leaves allow it to grow in very shady conditions. In higher mountain areas the plant grows in open meadows above the tree line.

Natural habitats:

  • sun-drenched mountain meadows
  • Tall herbaceous corridors
  • shady woods
  • herbaceous coniferous and deciduous forests

What soil does the plant need?

Lilium martagon grows on lime-rich substrates with a loose structure. The plants colonize nutrient-rich substrates that guarantee fresh seep conditions. As garbage soil plants, they are dependent on a layer of humus. Moderately deep clay and loam soils ensure good growth conditions. The substrate may be base-rich, but also moderately acidic.

Propagate the Tuerkenbundlilie

Turkish lilies are propagated vegetatively via rhizome scales or brood tubers. Brood bulbs develop in the leaf axils of an adult plant. These are picked in late summer and put directly into the garden soil. You can also separate daughter onions from the main bulb. In the next two to three years, the young plants develop into a stately lily if there is sufficient water supply.

This is how rhizome scales are propagated:

  • Separate the peels with one bud each from the onion
  • put each shell piece in a saucepan
  • Fill the container with a mixture of peat, sand and compost
  • put in a warm and bright place
  • Keep the substrate slightly moist


Sprinkle seeds on a nutrient-poor substrate in a seed tray and cover the grains about two millimeters thick with soil. Place the container in a warm and shady place and keep the substrate evenly moist. The cotyledons develop underground. Only after several weeks do the first leaves appear above the substrate. The plants raised by seeds develop flowers after two to four years, which is why this form of propagation appears less attractive.

What is the best time to plant?

The bulbs of the Turkish lily can be planted in the bed in late autumn or spring. Before planting, loosen up the later growth site thoroughly and put some compost under the substrate. The planting hole should be at least twice as large as the onion. This is placed in the hole with the tip up and covered with earth.

The correct planting distance

Use the maximum growth width as a guide for the distance to the next plant. The varieties expand differently. Place the plants in such a way that their distance from one another is half of their growth width.

Tuerkenbundlilie in the pot

Turkish lilies thrive in the bucket if it is deep enough. Use a large zinc tub as a planter. Here you can design a natural bed in miniature form. Before planting, the bottom of the tub must be equipped with drainage holes. Use a metal drill or hammer several holes into the material with thick nails. If you don't have a suitable tool, you can cover the floor with a thick layer of gravel.

Pour the turkey lily

The Turk's cap lily must not dry out during the vegetation phase. If no rain has fallen for several weeks, you should regularly use the watering can. Young plants in particular need a lot of water. Ingrown specimens are able to draw water from the lower layers of the soil thanks to their deep roots. The water requirement is significantly higher for potted plants.

Fertilize the Tuerkenbundlilie properly

From spring onwards, the Turkish Association will be happy to receive start-up help in the form of a special fertilizer for onion plants. Alternatively, you can mix some compost into the substrate. The nutrient supply is repeated every two weeks.

Cut the Tuerkenbundlilie correctly

In the near-natural garden, the Turkish lily is left to its own devices without pruning. It spreads its seeds, so that over the years a beautiful carpet develops. If you want to control the reproduction, the inflorescences are cut back close to the ground after blooming. Wait until all the leaves have withered completely before pruning. The lily draws excess energy from the leaves to store it in the bulb.


The onions overwinter in the bed without any problems. If the winters are particularly severe, you can spread a thick layer of leaves or straw over the substrate. Onions in the tub must be protected, as the substrate freezes faster and the rhizome is damaged. Place the vessel against a south wall and cover it with foil. A block of wood under the bucket is recommended as protection against ground frost.


The lily chicken is one of the leaf beetles that occasionally attack leaves of the Turkish lily. The plant pest lays its eggs on the underside of the leaves. When the larvae hatch, they feed on the leaf mass. Regular spraying with tansy tea is recommended as a control measure. Remove the beetles to prevent them from laying more eggs. You can wipe the undersides of the leaves with a cloth and remove the bright orange eggs.

Fungal attack

Turks' lilies are attacked by gray mold, especially in wet locations with poor ventilation. The spores colonize leaves and flowers and leave a gray coating. When choosing a location, pay attention to windy conditions. Horsetail brew, which is regularly sprayed on the plants, has proven to be a further preventive measure.

Tuerkenbundlilie does not bloom

If the Turk's cap lily blooms sparsely or not at all, a lack of light may be the cause. Although the plants thrive in very shady conditions, they need light for flower development.


Do not put onions on the same day, but several days apart. The plants will open their flowers one by one.


  • Terrace City ' : Orange-yellow flowers with dark spots. Flowering period between June and July. Grows between 100 and 150 centimeters high.
  • Cranberry Dancer : flowers burgundy with black dots, which are fringed with orange. Height between 100 and 150 centimeters.
  • Terry : Purple flower color with white spots and dark spots. Between 100 and 150 centimeters high.