The bay leaves brown - what to do?

The bay leaves brown - what to do?

Keep bay leaves from severe drought

The real bay laurel and the cherry laurel are both relatively sensitive to extended periods of drought. In particular, be careful with:

  • Laurel on the balcony
  • Laurel in the pot
  • Laurel hedges on a sunny hillside

also read

  • Yellow leaves on the laurel - causes and control
  • Real laurel - overwinter and care
  • Laurel - different types for the garden and kitchen

Basically, real laurel needs a lot of warmth, as it occurs naturally in Mediterranean locations. However, it should be sufficiently watered to avoid drought damage such as brown leaves. Cherry laurel needs a loose and well-rooted soil without waterlogging, but should be watered regularly and extensively in sunny locations during summer dry periods.

Be careful when overwintering

Only the real laurel is sensitive to frost in this country, which is why it should be overwintered in a suitable winter quarter. If real bay laurel or cherry laurel get brown leaves after winter and shed them, the plants do not necessarily have to be completely dead. Rather, it can also be a question of dry damage due to a lack of liquid water in the soil. Cut the affected bushes back to the main branches, sometimes new shoots of young leaves will soon appear.

Tips & Tricks

If possible, do not cut the real bay laurel and cherry laurel with electric hedge shears, otherwise halved leaves will die off and remain on the plants as ugly brown spots. It is better to make targeted cuts with manual secateurs.