Recognize sick birch - how to correctly diagnose

Recognize sick birch - how to correctly diagnose

Typical birch problems

If you recognize a diseased birch, it does not immediately mean resorting to aggressive chemical treatments or even lead to felling. Rather, the tree has the ability to regulate itself. The birch trees are often troubled by pests such as aphids or fringed wings. In addition, the birch tree is often affected by fungal attack. However, this will only lead you to resort to pesticides in difficult cases. Just keep an eye on the tree.

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Recognize classic symptoms

Typical external features show that a birch is not entirely healthy. Here are the most common:

  • Yellow leaves indicate less of a disease and more of a poor location. The tree may be lacking light or nutrients.
  • Withered leaves and flowers, on the other hand, can indicate that the birch is struggling with one of the common diseases such as powdery mildew, rust or anthracnose. In this case, you can intervene in a helpful manner by simply cutting out the affected areas.
  • Black discharge on the trunk and a corresponding crust are among the more serious signs of diminishing vitality in the tree. If the crown then loses its vitality, there is a need for action: If possible, optimize the location conditions of the birch in the case of black spots so that the tree finds new energy to heal itself. Also, stay vigilant if the weakened tree becomes a safety hazard and threatens to topple or shed branches.

Improve location

Of course, the birch cannot simply change its location for relief. However, you could check whether more light can be obtained - for example by pruning surrounding trees or removing other obstacles. Also check whether the floor is too dry, then you can help manually.

Call in experts

If the birch shows other unexplained symptoms, it may be advisable to consult an expert. It is best to have the responsible green space department initiate a corresponding tree examination. In the case of serious illnesses, the specialists know when the felling is unavoidable and are qualified to carry it out professionally.