Can I propagate my hollyhocks myself?

Can I propagate my hollyhocks myself?

Where can I get hollyhock seeds from?

You can collect hollyhock seeds from dead plants and sow them in a targeted manner. But then you do not know which flower color your sowing will get, because the seeds are not pure in color. The double flower is also not necessarily passed on.

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If, on the other hand, you buy hollyhock seeds in specialist shops or in the nursery, you can choose between different varieties, filled and unfilled flowers and different flower colors or mixtures. The variants range from white to yellow, pink and bright pink to red and almost black.

Sow the hollyhock

You can sow the hollyhock directly in the field without any problems. You have two options for this. Either you sow in a bed where you prefer young plants only to be planted in their final location in autumn. In this case, sow in rows about 20 cm apart. Keep the seeds well moist.

You can also sow the hollyhocks right where you want them to bloom next year. This saves you having to transplant, but you will not have any flowers there in the year of sowing. Here the distance between the individual seed holes should be around 40 cm. The adult plants need this distance to stay healthy.

Should I prefer the hollyhock inside?

Of course, you can also prefer the hollyhock in the apartment or in the greenhouse. In February or March, sprinkle the seeds in a sowing container, cover them with some soil and keep the seeds evenly moist. In May, slowly get the young plants used to the fresh air before planting them outdoors at the end of May.

These hollyhocks have a good chance of blooming as early as the year they are sown, but they are not very robust and vigorous. Most often they do not survive the winter outdoors. Wintering in the cellar or greenhouse is hardly worth it either, unless you prune the hollyhock before the seeds are mature. In this way you can possibly extend their service life.

The best propagation tips:

  • simplest propagation: self-sowing
  • Propagation in principle only by seeds
  • Preferred in the warm possible
  • convenient: sowing outdoors


If you want to have a whole particular hollyhock then you should buy the seeds. If you love a surprise, use the seeds you have collected.