Hibernating Chrysanthemums - How to bring the flowering shrub through the winter

Hibernating Chrysanthemums - How to bring the flowering shrub through the winter

Hardy chrysanthemums

Not all of the currently 5000 varieties of chrysanthemums are hardy, many are just hardy or even very sensitive. If you are explicitly looking for a chrysanthemum for the garden, it is best to choose autumn chrysanthemums. These bushes, also known as winter asters or gold flowers, are usually very insensitive to frost and require little protection. In general, varieties that flower particularly late are also considered to be more robust.

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  • Wintering chrysanthemums on the balcony
  • Wintering chrysanthemums in a bucket
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Wintering chrysanthemums in the garden

Hardy or hardy chrysanthemums are cut back to just under a hand's breadth above the ground immediately after they have faded. Then cover the planting area with a thick layer of brushwood, leaves and / or clippings. However, you should be particularly careful in very damp winters, because chrysanthemums do not tolerate wintry moisture.

Do not plant out chrysanthemums in autumn

Even if the label says it is a hardy variety: Under no circumstances should you plant out purchased chrysanthemums in autumn! These plants usually do not survive the winter. The best time to plant chrysanthemums is spring or early summer.

Bring potted chrysanthemums into your home

In contrast to hardy chrysanthemums, potted chrysanthemums definitely belong in the house. It is best to winter there under cold house conditions at around five to ten degrees Celsius, although the location does not necessarily have to be bright. Water the potted chrysanthemums occasionally, but do not fertilize. If there is not enough space, wintering on the balcony or outdoors is possible under certain circumstances.


Winter hardy potted chrysanthemums are best overwintered by burying the pot and the cut back plant in a sheltered spot in the garden.