Panicle hydrangea loves the sun

Panicle hydrangea loves the sun

Do not cultivate panicle hydrangea in the shade

All panicle hydrangeas prefer a sunny to a maximum of partially shaded location, whereby most of the specimens bloom best in a light-shaded, ie a light place without direct sunlight, and sheltered from the wind. Panicle hydrangeas in sunny or even full sun locations also bloom very profusely, if they are sufficiently watered, but also wither very quickly. Under no circumstances should panicle hydrangeas belong in a shady spot, as they only grow poorly there and hardly bloom. In this respect they are very different from the “normal” farm hydrangeas.

also read

  • It is best to plant panicle hydrangea in spring
  • Panicle hydrangea: Organic fertilization is usually sufficient
  • When should you prune your panicle hydrangea?

The right soil for panicle hydrangeas

Good and healthy growth and lush flowering depend not only on the right lighting conditions, but also on the quality of the soil. Panicle hydrangeas prefer nutrient-rich, humus-rich and loose soil, which should also be slightly acidic to neutral. In particular, chalky soil is poorly tolerated by panicle hydrangeas, which is why these plants should be watered with soft rainwater if possible. A pH value of 5.5 is ideal.

Tips & Tricks

If the leaves of your panicle hydrangea turn yellow, this is either an indication of a lack of nutrients or an incorrect location with unsuitable soil conditions. In such a case, you should either move the shrub or do some soil improvement.