Planting physalis yourself - so you will soon be able to harvest delicious Andean berries

Planting physalis yourself - so you will soon be able to harvest delicious Andean berries

Which location does the Andean berry prefer?

Physalis loves it as sunny as possible. Get used to the early young plants slowly to the midday sun (otherwise burns will quickly occur) and offer the adult plants a full sun.

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What is the difference between the Andean berry and the lantern flower?

The delicious Andean berries are usually available in supermarkets under the name “Physalis”, but strictly speaking, this is just the generic name. “Physalis” is the Latin term for a group of plants also known as “bladder cherry”. Within this genus there are about 80 different Physalis species, only a part of which is edible. The lantern flower (Physalis alkekengi) native to Europe, for example, is poisonous and is only cultivated as an ornamental plant, while the fruits of the Andean berries or Cape gooseberries (Physalis peruviana) from South America are suitable for consumption. The genus Physalis as a whole belongs botanically to the nightshade family.

When and how do I sow physalis?

The seeds of the Andean berries should not be sown directly outside until mid to late May at the earliest, as the sensitive plant cannot tolerate frost. However, you can also bring the plants forward from February / March and plant them outdoors from the end of May. The seeds are only lightly covered with soil and have to be warped as soon as the young plants have about two to three leaves.

Do I have to give preference to physalis plants?

In principle, the period in which the plant can grow, bloom and allow fruits to ripen is too short in Central Europe. That is why it makes sense to prefer Physalis on the windowsill from February / March.

Can I grow Physalis on the balcony too?

Yes, all types of physalis are ideal for keeping in a bucket.

Which substrate does the physalis need?

Physalis are generally quite undemanding and thrive in almost any substrate. Conventional potting soil is suitable for keeping pots.

When and how do I transplant the young physalis plants?

From around the end of May, you should move your preferred physalis plants either outdoors or in a sufficiently large tub (the plants are about one to one and a half meters high). The optimal planting distance between the individual plants is at least 60 centimeters, even better one meter.

When can I harvest the delicious fruits?

If you have enough sun and water, you can harvest the delicious fruits of the Andean berries between August and September. Andean berries that are harvested immature do not ripen.


Even if you only want one or two plants yourself, it is advisable to plant at least 10 to 20 seeds anyway. Experience has shown that none of the seeds are very different and have a very high failure rate. In addition, the resulting little plants develop quite differently. You can give away any surplus plants to neighbors and friends.