Plant roses correctly: put the grafting point under the ground

Plant roses correctly: put the grafting point under the ground

The refining point belongs underground

In the case of grafted roses, the grafting point should always be buried at least five, better seven to ten centimeters deep in the ground. There are several reasons for this:

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1. Grafting points are particularly sensitive to frost damage and injuries.

2. At this point, roses “break off” quickly, which is why burying them can offer some protection.

3. Grafted roses are usually very sensitive to frost and cold winter air, which is why burying the grafting point offers basic winter protection - which can also be improved by piling up with soil.

4. Grafted roses also often show poor growth. With a bit of luck, roots will sprout from the refinement center over time, so that the hybrid tea will literally “stand on its own two feet” at some point.

Exception: rose stems and wild roses

Only with rose stems should you not dig the grafting point into the ground. In this case you would have to countersink the whole trunk, because here the thickening is located directly below the crown. However, you can overwinter young and sufficiently flexible tree roses by pressing down the crown and burying the grafting point.

How do you recognize the processing point?

With roses (with the exception of the stem roses) the grafting point is always just above the roots. This is a thickening above which all the shoots sprout - ideally at least. Shoots that grow below this knob are usually wild shoots (ie they come from the rootstock) and are therefore not desired.

Protect the processing point

The processing point should not only be protected by burying it, but also in other ways. This protection is particularly important in winter, which is why roses should always be piled up. This warming earth cover is at best covered with fir branches, which serves both protection and aesthetics. After all, who likes to look at naked heaps of earth for months?


If you are unsure of how to differentiate between noble and wild shoots, the following rule of thumb will help you: hybrid tea roses always have five leaves on one shoot, whereas most wild roses used as a base have six to seven.