Boxwood - what goes with it? Suggestions and ideas for garden design

Boxwood - what goes with it? Suggestions and ideas for garden design

Combine boxwood with perennials

The gardener understands perennials to be flowering plants, the above-ground parts of which die off in autumn and which sprout again from the roots in spring. They are available in countless colors, shapes and sizes, from which colorful summer beds, but also distinctive one or two-tone borders can be put together. In between, shaped boxwood solitaires fit just as well as a low boxwood hedge as a border. Perennials like these go wonderfully with Buchs:

  • Blossom sage (Salvia nemorosa)
  • Speedwell (veronica longifolia)
  • Fig-leaved hollyhock (Alcea ficifolia)
  • Large-flowered cockade flower (Gaillardia x grandiflora)
  • Large-flowered maiden's eye (Coreopsis grandiflora)
  • High flame flower (Phlox paniculata)
  • Pillow aster (Aster dumosus)
  • Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
  • Lupins (Lupinus polyphyllus)
  • Delphinium (delphinium)
  • Red-flowering spurflower (Centranthus ruber)
  • Sun hat (Echinacea purpurea)
  • Hollyhock (Alcea rosea)
  • Cranesbill (geranium)
  • Sun bride (Helenium x cultorum)
  • Coneflower (Rudbeckia)

also read

  • The most beautiful shapes and figures for the boxwood - ideas, tips and tricks
  • Front garden design with boxwood - this is how you realize your ideas
  • The ideal location for the box tree in the garden

Various grasses, bulbous and tuberous perennials as well as ground cover also go very well with the boxwood.

Roses and boxwood - the perfect combination

The rose bed framed by a low box tree hedge with a selection of noble or bed roses blooming in different colors is almost classic. You will enjoy such a combination for a particularly long time if you decide on varieties that bloom more often. Many bed and shrub rose varieties belong in this category, but some hybrid tea roses are also characterized by a particularly long flowering time. If you like it more natural, you can use wild roses, which, in combination with correspondingly growing types of box, can also be used to create beautiful mixed hedges.

When compiling, pay attention to location and maintenance requirements

When choosing an attractive combination of plants, however, you should not only pay attention to the appearance, but also keep an eye on the location and care requirements of the various species. Suitable plant species like a sunny to partially shaded location and a humus-rich, rather fresh and calcareous soil.


Boxwood frames do not have to be kept boring rectangular. Other geometric or intricate bed shapes are also interesting.