How to properly care for Croton - tips on care

How to properly care for Croton - tips on care

How do you pour croton properly?

The Croton cannot tolerate a dry bale any more than waterlogging. Pour so that the substrate never dries out completely. Excess irrigation water should be poured off immediately. Create a drain in the bottom of the pot.

also read

  • Croton or miracle shrub - easy-care houseplant
  • Unfortunately, croton or wonder shrub is poisonous
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Why is it advisable to spray the leaves?

Too low humidity makes the wonder shrub to create. Increase it by spraying the leaves daily with low-lime water. It is also useful to set up water bowls, especially when the ambient temperatures are high.

How often do you need to fertilize?

It is only fertilized during the growth phase from March to August. Give some liquid fertilizer for foliage plants every two weeks.

Can the miracle shrub be cut?

  • Cut dead inflorescences
  • Shorten the croton
  • Cut cuttings for propagation

Basically, you don't have to cut a croton. You should only remove faded inflorescences immediately so that the houseplant retains more strength for the formation of new leaves.

If the croton is too high, you can shorten it. The best time for this is spring.

Since Croton is poisonous, always wear gloves when grooming!

When is repotting necessary?

The miracle shrub is repotted in spring when the first small roots grow out of the planting hole.

What diseases and pests should you watch out for?

Croton is very resistant to pests. They occur very rarely and only when the humidity is too low.

If the miracle shrub suffers from waterlogging, there is a risk of root and stem rot. First the leaves fall off, then the plant dies completely.

How is Croton cared for in winter?

In winter, you can place the Croton a little cooler at around twelve degrees. The location still has to be very bright.

During the winter there is little watering and no fertilization.


The leaves of the croton are a real eye-catcher not only because of their color, but also because of their sheen. Occasionally rub them with a damp cloth to maintain the shine.