Storing lemons - this is how to store the yellow fruits correctly

Storing lemons - this is how to store the yellow fruits correctly

Best storage conditions for lemons

It is ideal to store lemons - like other citrus fruits - in a cool, dry and dark place. For example, the basement, pantry or attic are possible - depending on which rooms are available to you. In these places, lemons (at temperatures of five to ten degrees Celsius) stay fresh for about two to three weeks.

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Note: If you keep your lemons at room temperature, the fruits can be used and edible for up to five days. However, you should not keep them too warm - otherwise they will dry out quickly.

Keeping lemons in the refrigerator?

Lemons are naturally very sensitive to cold - they originally come from warmer climates. Nevertheless, it is possible to store the citrus fruits in the refrigerator. This emerges from the reports of various amateur gardeners and cooks.

Here's how you can store your lemons in the refrigerator:

  1. Place a piece of kitchen paper in a mason jar.
  2. Then place a lemon on the piece of paper.
  3. Seal the mason jar airtight.
  4. Place the lemon glass on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator.

This way, the lemon often stays fresh for several weeks. However, always make sure that your refrigerator is no colder than about five degrees Celsius.


You can also store a opened or cut lemon as described. But: use up such a citrus fruit within a few days.

Freeze lemons for long shelf life

If you have a very large supply of lemons, you can simply freeze a few specimens to extend the shelf life to a few months.

General tips for storing lemons

Like other citrus fruits, lemons must always be harvested when they are completely ripe. In contrast to apples or bananas (exemplary) they do not ripen. This is beneficial because it increases the shelf life of lemons. In order to prevent the possible negative effects of ripening fruits and vegetables, you should always store lemons separately from them. Otherwise, the ripening gas ethylene can cause the yellow fruits to spoil more quickly.

It is also important not to place several lemons too close together or on top of each other - the air must be able to circulate well. This will prevent moisture and mold.


Place your lemons in the chosen storage location in a wide bowl or in a basket with holes (only not in the refrigerator).

What you should also know and consider: If a lemon has a hard and wrinkled skin, it needs to be consumed quickly (mold on the way). Such a fruit is already quite dry inside. Lemons with a damaged skin should also be consumed as quickly as possible - preferably immediately.


Only harvest or buy intact fruits!

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