The right location for anemones

The right location for anemones

Find the right location for anemones

  • Sunny to partial shade
  • Spring bloomers also under trees
  • Sheltered location
  • Permeable soil
  • Nutritious, only slightly acidic soil
  • Soil dry rather than moist
  • Never plant under conifers

The sunnier and brighter the location, the more beautiful anemones will bloom. Fewer flowers develop in partial shade under translucent trees.

Never plant anemones under conifers as the soil here is too acidic. Provide a place where the plants are not too moist. Anemones do not tolerate waterlogging at all.

Tips & Tricks

Anemone flowers that bloom in spring are the ideal addition to the spring bed. Together with tulips, forget-me-nots and daffodils, they provide color after the dreary winter months.