Grow sunflowers yourself - this is how it works!

Grow sunflowers yourself - this is how it works!

Sow sunflowers

You can sow sunflowers on the spot in the field. But you have to wait until the floor is no longer too cold. Before the end of April, you shouldn't get the kernels into the ground.

also read

  • Sunflowers are not poisonous, they are even edible
  • When is the best time to plant sunflowers?
  • Are sunflowers hardy?

Since birds appreciate the sunflower seeds very much, you should germinate the seeds beforehand and plant the sunflowers out as sprouts. They are then no longer of interest to the birds.

Prefer sunflowers indoors

Sunflowers are not hardy. So that you don't have to wait too long for the first bloom, you should bring the sunflower seeds indoors as early as March.

To do this, put three to five seeds in small pots, keep them warm and keep the soil moist. After emergence, snap off all sunflowers except for one plant at a time.

Do not plant the pre-grown sunflowers in the garden before the end of May. If you would like to care for the sunflowers in the pot, you can repot them earlier in a suitable, large planter.

Find a suitable location

Sunflowers prefer a favorable location if they are to grow and produce a lot of flowers:

  • As sunny as possible
  • Warm
  • Well drained, nutritious soil
  • Sheltered from the wind

Caring for the sunflower in the garden or pot

Sunflowers need a lot of moisture and nutrients. You should therefore regularly provide the sunflowers you have grown yourself with water. But make sure that there is no waterlogging. She would make the roots rot.

As a heavy consumer you have to fertilize sunflowers once a week.

When the flowers have faded, you can harvest sunflower seeds. Either hang up the flower heads to dry or let the kernels ripen on the plant until harvest.

Tips & Tricks

Growing sunflowers is a great introduction to gardening for children. Since the cultivation is quite easy, the little ones will quickly see success. You will learn a lot about the structure and growth of the sunflower very clearly.