Yucca filamentosa - location, care, reproduction, cutting

Yucca filamentosa - location, care, reproduction, cutting

Which location does the garden yucca prefer?

Yucca filamentosa prefers a bright, warm and protected location, preferably in full sun. The plant loves warmth and thrives best in a sunny, south-facing spot in front of a wall or house wall.

also read

  • Is the yucca filamentosa poisonous?
  • Yucca palm prefers a light location
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In which soil does the Yucca filamentosa feel particularly comfortable?

The soil should be loose and well drained. The Yucca filamentosa particularly likes lime-rich soil and thrives on a rather stony surface.

Do you have to water a planted yucca filamentosa?

Specimens that have been planted out basically do not have to be watered, only during longer dry phases it might be necessary to reach for the watering can. If possible, use calcareous water.

When and how often should you fertilize the Yucca filamentosa?

The garden yucca only needs to be fertilized once a year, at best at the time of the first budding in spring. Use complete fertilizer, compost, mixed plant manure or pond water. A garden yucca in the bucket does not need to be fertilized at all if it is repotted annually in fresh substrate.

Can you cut the yucca filamentosa?

Basically, cutting back is not necessary. Only the bloomed flower stems and damaged and dried leaves should be removed immediately.

How can the Yucca filamentosa be propagated?

The easiest way to propagate it is to use cuttings that only need to be separated from the mother plant and planted separately. It can also be reproduced using seeds or by dividing larger plants.

Which diseases and pests typically attack the Yucca filamentosa?

With proper care and the right location, the garden yucca is very robust. Fungal diseases such as root rot caused by waterlogging or leaf blotch often cause problems. Otherwise the Yucca filamentosa is mainly attacked by thrips or scale insects.

To what degree is the Yucca filamentosa hardy?

The Filamentous Palm Lily usually withstands temperatures as low as -15 ° C without any problems. However, tub copies belong in the house or another shelter for a cool and bright winter.

How do you prepare the Yucca filamentosa for winter?

Young garden yuccas in particular are still comparatively sensitive and need winter protection.


Remember that the garden yucca needs a lot of space. The plant also has very sharp leaves that are easy to cut.