Tree with yellow flowers - the most beautiful species for the garden

Tree with yellow flowers - the most beautiful species for the garden

Garden trees with bright yellow flowers

There are only a few indigenous yellow-flowering trees. The Cornelian cherry is one of them, and you can even cook jam or make a liqueur from its fruits. Other plants, on the other hand, come from distant countries, but are often hardy here.

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Common laburnum (Laburnum anagyroides)

Growth shape and height: up to seven meters high small tree or shrub

Leaves: deciduous

Flowering and flowering period: April to June, hanging in clusters

Common tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)

Growth form and height: tree up to 30 meters high

Leaves: deciduous, yellow autumn color

Flowering and flowering period: April to May, tulip-shaped

Common barberry (Berberis vulgaris)

Growth form and height: up to three meters high shrub, thorny

Leaves: deciduous

Flowering and flowering period: May to June

There are many different species and varieties that also bloom yellow, such as Julian's barberry or the box-leaved barberry. Sometimes the shrub is also offered as a half or high stem.

Japanese flower dogwood (Cornus kousa)

Growth form and height: up to ten meters high small tree or shrub

Leaves: deciduous

Flowering and flowering period: May to July, showy bracts

Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas)

Growth shape and height: up to eight meters high small tree or shrub

Leaves: deciduous

Flowering and flowering period: February to April, important bee pasture

Witch Hazel (Hamamelis)

Growth shape and height: depending on the type, small tree or shrub

Leaves: deciduous

Flowering and flowering period: winter flowering, depending on the species between December and February

The Japanese witch hazel (Hamamelis japonica), the Chinese witch hazel (Hamamelis mollis) and various hybrid varieties (Hamamelis x intermedia) are planted as ornamental trees in the garden. The fall blooming Virginia witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) is rarely found.

Japanese pagoda tree (Sophora japonica)

Growth shape and height: tree up to 30 meters high

Leaves: deciduous, bright yellow autumn colors

Flowering and flowering period: August to September, flower panicles up to 30 centimeters long


White and pink flowering trees, which often only show their splendor later, provide variety in the garden.