The optimal choice of location for lavender

The optimal choice of location for lavender

Lavender loves sun and warmth

Lavender comes from the Mediterranean region, where the summers are very long, hot and dry, while the winters are mild. In its homeland, the lush flowering subshrub is pampered by the sun, which is why it prefers a sunny and sheltered spot in Germany. A location in partial shade or even shade should be avoided if possible - you won't have too much fun there with the sun-hungry lavender.

also read

  • Lavender grows splendidly with appropriate care
  • Does lavender thrive in partial shade?
  • Do not cut faded lavender too late

Lavender in the apartment

Some would like to keep the pretty and fragrant lavender as a houseplant in their home. In principle, this is possible, but you should note the following information:

  • A year-round cultivation of lavender as a houseplant is not advisable.
  • In summer, the room lavender should be placed on the balcony or terrace.
  • Alternatively, you should ventilate frequently, but avoid exposing the plant to drafts.
  • In winter, the lavender should be in a cool and bright spot - for example in the bedroom that is not very heated.

The optimal soil should be dry, sandy and not too acidic

The lavender is used to dry and nutrient-poor soils. It has adapted so well to the conditions of its homeland that its very deep tap roots allow it to fetch water and nutrients from the earth even from a depth of several meters. Therefore, the earth should be as barren as possible, and dry, because lavender does not tolerate waterlogging. A sandy or rocky soil is best, while heavy clay or peat soils should be worked on before planting.

Tips & Tricks

Lavender is often planted with roses. Make sure, however, that both plants have quite different soil and care requirements. Socialization only works if you take these differences into account.