How often do I have to water my rubber tree?

How often do I have to water my rubber tree?

It is best to only water your rubber tree when the soil has already dried slightly on the surface. This will prevent waterlogging and root rot. Your rubber tree does not need large quantities of fertilizer. Add a little liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water about every six weeks.

also read

  • Do I have to repot my rubber tree regularly?
  • How should I overwinter my rubber tree?
  • Can I rejuvenate my rubber tree?

Is there an alternative to pouring?

If you don't want to water your rubber tree, you can submerge it instead. The entire planter should stand under water until the soil is completely soaked. You can recognize this by the fact that no more air bubbles rise. Now take the pot out of the water again and let it drain thoroughly.

Put the pot on a saucer or in a planter, then after a few minutes check again whether water has accumulated there and pour it off again. Provided with water in this way, the rubber tree can withstand a short vacation quite well. To do this, however, he shouldn't stand in the blazing sun.

The essentials in brief:

  • Water moderately, preferably only when the soil is dry
  • Alternative to watering: diving
  • Avoid waterlogging at all costs


Your rubber tree can cope with a few days of drought far better than waterlogging. Avoid giving yourself a lavish watering, for example before your vacation.