How to overwinter shrub veronica in the garden or house

How to overwinter shrub veronica in the garden or house

Hibernate shrub veronica in the garden

Most types of Hebe are only partially hardy. You can tolerate a maximum of minus five degrees, and only for a few days.

If you want to overwinter shrub veronica in the garden, sprinkle a thick layer of mulch made of lawn clippings or leaves.

Cover the plants with fir branches or brushwood. However, this does not always help in an unprotected location. If the winter is very cold, you have to expect that the shrub veronica will die in the wet and cold despite winter protection.

Hibernate shrub veronica in the house

  • Light location
  • Temperatures between five and ten degrees
  • not too damp


Don't cut Hebe like Hebe Golden Globe too much back before winter. Then the plant will freeze to death even faster. Cut frozen shoots in spring.