When is a papaya really ripe?

When is a papaya really ripe?

Harvesting and transportation of papayas

Good quality papayas are only harvested at a time when the skin is already slightly yellow. The papayas can only ripen at their destination when the signs of ripeness have begun. On the other hand, shipping of fully ripe fruits is usually not possible due to the shipping time, as papayas can only be kept for a limited time even if chilled and are usually grown in the following countries:

  • Australia
  • India
  • Africa
  • Middle and South America

also read

  • Can a dog be fed a papaya?
  • Preserving a papaya by freezing it
  • Storing a papaya properly

However, if a papaya is harvested immature with a completely green skin and sold in the supermarket in this country, you should better keep your hands off it. Completely unripe papayas do not ripen and have a very bitter taste.

The color of papaya

The color of a papaya is a good indicator of its state of ripeness. Fully ripe papayas are either yellow on the outside or have red spots and stripes. A papaya cannot actually be overripe, as it receives its maximum taste when it is fully ripe, which is even more noticeable when consumed fresh with a little lemon juice. Papayas that have been stored for too long can begin to ferment and then develop an unpleasant smell and taste. This condition can usually not be recognized from the color, but it can be recognized with a pressure test on the outer skin.

The pressure test at papayas

With a quick pressure test, you can usually see relatively easily when a papaya is suitable for consumption and when it is immature or already spoiled. If you press your fingers lightly against the outer skin of a papaya, it should give way slightly. However, if the fruit can be pushed in too easily, it is a specimen that is already too old and may no longer taste good.

Let a papaya ripen

If a papaya is still a little too unripe, you can let it ripen for a few more days at home. To do this, wrap the slightly yellowish fruit in some newspaper and place it in a warm place. You should then check every day when the ideal time is to consume. If you cannot eat the fruit straight away, it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator for a few days. For a longer period of time, you can cut the pulp of the papaya into cubes or freeze it in a pureed form for the preparation of desserts and smoothies.

Tips & Tricks

In this country, the smaller papayas with a weight of around one pound are usually offered in stores. If you can find larger specimens, it is worth buying because of the superior taste of these fruits.