Canna: Grooming can be so easy

Canna: Grooming can be so easy

How must cannas be fertilized?

Since cannas are among the strong eaters, they must be regularly supplied with fertilizer. You can add some fertilizer when you are planting. The second fertilization takes place at the end of June and the last one in the year around mid-September.

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  • This is how you can overwinter the tubers of canna!
  • Canna in the bucket: what do you have to consider?
  • Can you hibernate canna outside?

Complete fertilizers, conventional flower fertilizers, rotted compost, horse manure and horn shavings are suitable for fertilization. (€ 6.39 at Amazon *) If Canna is to be overwintered, it is advisable to add potash to the soil in autumn before overwintering.

Can cannas cope with drought?

Cannas originally come from the tropics. Because of their origins, they cannot make friends with dry seasons. They therefore need to be watered regularly. It is best to keep the soil moist. Cannas can deal with waterlogging for a short time.

Is it necessary to cut back?

If you want to overwinter Canna, you should cut the plant back to just above the ground at the end of October. Then the tuber is easier to dig up and hibernate. Be careful not to trim the plant until its leaves have turned yellow. When green, they still produce nutrients that the tubers will urgently need in the coming year.

What diseases and pests affect cannas?

The only disease that is specific to Canna is the Canna Yellow Mottle Virus. It is favored by cool and damp weather. If this virus has infected your cannabis plant, it should be disposed of. The seeds of the plant are usually not attacked. The following pests can harm Canna in particular:

  • Nudibranchs
  • Aphids
  • Voles
  • Spider mites

How can cannas be brought over the winter?

The flower tube is not frost hardy. If you want to overwinter it, you should dig up your tubers / rhizomes in late autumn. The tubers can be overwintered in dark and cool rooms. The temperatures should be between 6 and 10 ° C.

It is best to put the tubers in a pot with soil so that they do not dry out. Every now and then the earth should be lightly watered. However, excessive moisture should be avoided.

Tips & Tricks

For a long-lasting bloom: regularly pluck the withered petals or cut off the withered flowers. As a result, new flowers form on the cane and flowering lasts until autumn.