Is red elderberry always poisonous?

Is red elderberry always poisonous?

Cooking and well does not apply to red elderberries

Elderberries are healthy and delicious. Housewives have been conjuring up delicious jam, delicious jelly and refreshing syrup from it for generations. On the other hand, the fruits may not be eaten raw. The glycoside sambunigrin contained in it only decomposes at a temperature of 76.3 degrees Celsius and higher.

This premise, however, only applies to a limited extent to the berries of red elderberry. The poisonous content of their kernels does not dissolve even after prolonged boiling. They must therefore be pitted before preparation so that their consumption does not have any fatal consequences for health. Since this method is very laborious, here's how to get around the problem:

  • Remove the ripe, red berries from the umbel with a fork
  • Bring to the boil briefly in a saucepan without crushing the fruit
  • then juice and process with sugar into jelly or syrup