How to properly care for your litchi tree

How to properly care for your litchi tree

The right location

Lychees need a lot of light, although seedlings and young plants cannot tolerate blazing sun. It is best to choose a bright and warm location. You should install additional UV lamps, especially in the autumn and winter months, as it is simply too dark for the subtropical plants at this time.

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Optimal conditions for your lychee tree

  • bright and warm all year round
  • Temperatures not below 12 ° C
  • high humidity

In the hot summer months, the plants also feel very comfortable on the balcony or in the garden. A prerequisite, however, is a light and protected location, and the lychee should always be slowly accustomed to the blazing midday sun.

The optimal plant substrate

Lychees need loose, nutrient-poor soil, ideally slightly acidic with a pH value of up to 7. If the soil is too rich, the roots cannot develop properly. It is particularly important that excess water can run off through a drainage system, as the plant cannot tolerate waterlogging. It reacts with leaf shedding and root rot. If possible, use a mixture of potting soil, coarse sand and loam. You can also use garden soil. If you take soil or sand from outside, make it germ-free before planting. This is done by heating in the microwave (about 15 minutes at at least 160 ° C).

Proper watering and fertilizing

Your home-grown lychee likes it damp, but not wet. The tree should be watered regularly, but only a little. Let the top layer of soil dry out before you water again.

How to pour properly

  • Use rainwater.
  • The water must contain little or no lime.
  • Water the plant evenly and regularly, but only a little.

You should also be economical when it comes to fertilizer. Young litchi plants need small amounts of fertilizer from the third month of life at the earliest, whereby you should resort to highly diluted liquid fertilizer. However, organic fertilizer is better because it does not contain salt. Fertilize every four to six weeks at most, but not at all during the winter months.

Tips & Tricks

Since lychee trees naturally grow very slowly - pauses in growth of several years are normal - you do not need to prune your sapling. It will also lose an impulse itself from time to time. The only exception: Diseased or dead shoots should of course be removed.

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