The optimal distance when planting fruit trees

The optimal distance when planting fruit trees

Do not plant fruit trees too densely

The important plant spacing is especially important so that the woody plants can develop healthily and have rich fruit hangings. Trees that are too closely planted are prone to various diseases, most notably fungicidal diseases. These arise because the tree is not sufficiently ventilated. Usually a planting distance is recommended on the label, which should be strictly observed - even if it looks a bit ridiculous at first because of the small size of the tree. Incidentally, not only does the crown of the fruit tree need sufficient space to grow, the roots must also be able to expand. Many types of fruit are shallow roots, the roots of which can grow many meters in width.

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Recommended planting spacing for selected fruit trees

If you consider that a normal apple or pear tree can develop a crown up to ten meters wide, the large planting distances become more understandable - especially when you consider that vigorous fruit species and varieties are difficult to keep under control with scissors . By the way, walnut trees need a lot of space, the crowns of which are 15 meters and more in diameter when old.

Recommended minimum distances for pome fruit:

  • Bush trees on poorly growing roots: two to two and a half meters
  • Bush trees on medium-strong growing bases: two and a half to three meters
  • Half-logs: four to five meters
  • High trunk: up to ten meters

Recommended minimum clearances for stone fruit:

  • Bush trees on weak roots: two and a half to three and a half meters
  • Half-logs: four to five meters
  • High trunk: eight to twelve meters

By the way, sweet cherry trees also grow very quickly - and achieve a considerable crown diameter within a few years.

Pay attention to the correct limit distance

So that there is no trouble with the neighbors, you should also keep the minimum distance to the property of the garden neighbor. The regulations on the limit distances are not uniformly regulated in the federal states because there are different laws and regulations. If you want to be sure, ask the responsible authority.


Anyone who owns a small garden prefers to choose fruit varieties or dwarf varieties that are grafted on poorly growing substrates. Column fruit trees, which develop only a few side shoots, are very suitable for the small garden as well as for the pot.