Storing peeled asparagus - this is how it works

Storing peeled asparagus - this is how it works

Store peeled asparagus only briefly

Basically, it is advisable to consume peeled asparagus as soon as possible, i.e. not to store it for too long. It stays in the refrigerator for a maximum of one to two days. Peeled asparagus quickly loses its aroma and valuable ingredients.

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If you only want to eat your asparagus in a few weeks or months, you should definitely peel it yourself at home so that you can then freeze it hygienically. We'll explain in a moment how to store peeled asparagus in the fridge or freezer.


Asparagus can be kept in the freezer for up to six months.

Store peeled asparagus in the refrigerator

  1. Wrap the peeled asparagus in plastic wrap.
  2. Tie the foil.
  3. Put the asparagus packet in the vegetable compartment of your fridge.
  4. Consume the asparagus the next day at the latest.

Alternative: wrap the asparagus in a damp towel

  1. Wet a tea towel and wring it loosely.
  2. Wrap the peeled asparagus in the damp tea towel.
  3. Return the whole thing to the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.
  4. Consume the asparagus on the day after next at the latest.

Store peeled asparagus in the freezer

Only freeze asparagus when they are fresh in order to preserve the flavor and ingredients.

  1. Wash the unpeeled asparagus spears thoroughly under running warm water.
  2. Carefully dry the asparagus until the last remaining moisture has disappeared.
  3. Cut off the woody asparagus ends and peel the vegetables.
  4. Place the asparagus spears in portions in airtight containers for the freezer.
  5. Put the containers with the asparagus in the freezer.


  • While other vegetables are often blanched before freezing, you should avoid them with asparagus. Otherwise there will be a severe loss of taste.
  • If you want to use up the asparagus, you can cook it in boiling water right away - so you don't have to defrost it first.

Store green asparagus in the freezer

The above instructions apply to white asparagus. You only need to wash green asparagus spears and remove the woody ends. Depending on how you plan to process the asparagus later, you can cut the vegetables into pieces before freezing them.

Generally important information on storage

Store peeled asparagus separately from other vegetables or fruits. Otherwise, it may absorb the aroma of the neighbors.

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit and vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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