Einen Apfelbaum im Herbst schneiden

Einen Apfelbaum im Herbst schneiden

Den Schnitt im Herbst richtig vorbereiten

Praktischerweise können bei einem Schnitt des Apfelbaums im Herbst gleich zwei Arbeitsschritte auf einmal erledigt werden. So kann dieser Schnitt bei spät reifenden Sorten auch direkt mit der Ernte verbunden werden. Insbesondere bei Apfelbäumen mit Hochstamm kann das Erreichen hoher Baumkronen eine zeitliche und physische Herausforderung darstellen. Für den Schnitt selbst sollten Sie über folgende Ausrüstung verfügen:

  • a stable and sure-footed ladder
  • clean planting scissors with a sharp edge
  • Wound closure agent for the cut-off points of large branches

also read

  • Properly pruning an old apple tree
  • Cut a young apple tree yourself
  • The apple tree in autumn

After the cut, when removing the fallen branches from the ground, you can also dispose of moldy fruit and excessive amounts of fallen leaves. How to protect your apple tree from fungal attack and other diseases.

The ideal tree canopy shape as a specification

According to an old proverb, the crown of a tree on an apple tree should be light enough for a hat to be thrown through. This is not an optical end in itself, but serves the yield and plant health. If all branches and leaves are easily reached by the sore and the sun, they dry off faster after periods of damp and are less prone to infestation with dangerous powdery mildew. In addition, all parts of the tree are optimally supplied with the energy of the light, so that large and aromatic fruits can ripen on the branches. In order to achieve an optimal crown shape, the growth should be directed in the right direction with a training cut after the apple tree has been planted.

The cutting technique for the apple tree

When pruning in autumn, you should not only remove dry branches and fruit mummies, but also branches that are growing too close to the crown. Since the apple blossoms usually only sit on two-year-old wood, not all one-year branches must be cut off. When shortening individual branches, the top pair of buds should face outwards so that a beautiful crown shape can result.

Tips & Tricks

If you cut thick branches from the apple tree, you should treat wounds with a diameter of more than three centimeters with a special wound closure agent. In this way you protect the tree from various pathogens.