Does lawn fertilizer help against weeds?

Does lawn fertilizer help against weeds?

A lack of nutrients promotes weeds in the lawn

The most common cause of weeds to colonize the lawn is nutrient deficiency. The reason: unlike many weeds, grass has a very high nutrient requirement that must be met. If there is no regular fertilization, the stalks become weaker and weaker, the compacting effect of the grass roots declines and weed seeds can sprout.

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In the increasing competition for nutrients, the grasses succumb. This is particularly noticeable in summer, when drought is already causing problems for the lawn. Clover then quickly becomes a problem, as it can cope with a lack of water very well and can form its own nitrogen through nodule bacteria.

Fertilize the lawn properly

You can effectively prevent weeds through fertilization. You should proceed as follows:

  • Have a soil analysis carried out every three to four years. This means you know which nutrients are missing and can fertilize as needed.
  • Distribute nutrients evenly over the year. Most slow release fertilizers work for three months.
  • Prefer organic-mineral fertilizers, as they protect the environment.
  • The first fertilization takes place after the first mowing.
  • In June, when the grasses have had their strongest growth phase, fertilization takes place.
  • Another application of fertilizer can follow in August on claimed areas.
  • Autumn fertilization increases the frost resistance. Use special autumn lawn fertilizer for this, the composition of which strengthens the cell walls of the grass.
  • Always distribute the fertilizer with a spreader. This ensures that the preparation is applied evenly.

It is essential to avoid driving errors with the fertilizer wagon. The strips should not overlap and there should be no gaps between the strips. Over-fertilization causes the lawn to turn yellow and the grass is damaged, which in turn encourages weeds to spread.


Cheap and poor quality seeds also tend to become weeded. Such mixtures are often interspersed with weed seeds in advance. Therefore, always pay attention to high-quality lawn mixtures when planting and reseeding.